The main goals of this system is to mitigate the loss of life and provide a safer alternative for high risk situations and locations. A secondary goal it to give a different perspective to a location and incidents. The applications for these drones are Public Safety, Land Surveys, Building/Tower Inspections, and more as we discover potential applications.
Omak Lake Washout
In order to utilize the systems, we have to follow strict regulations that the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) has implemented for drones. These regulations limit what the drones are capable of doing. This is the list of regulations.
Must be a Certified Drone Pilot
Drone(s) must be registered
Class G Airspace
Must Keep the aircraft in sight(Visual line-of-sight)
Must fly under 400 feet (400 feet of object being observed)
Must fly during the Day
Must yield right of way to manned aircraft
Must NOT fly over people
Must NOT fly from a moving vehicle